Friday, September 23, 2005

It's all Bush, man!

George Bush intentionally created the gulf coast hurricanes to distract people from the Iraq war.

Yeah, yeah I know, apologists for the crypto-fascist Bush crime family all act like it’s us, in the anti war and anti-hurricane movement, that are the crazy ones. But let’s look at the facts. One of the first things Bush did back in 2000 was scrap the Kato accords, why? Because he knew that a few more years of the green house effect would produce stronger hurricanes. Experts have been talking about that for years, scientists, climatologists, astrologers, everybody. So Bush knew that killing Kato would precisely fit the timing of the war he intended all along to launch on Iraq. It’s obvious!

And so according “the polls” most people don’t want to pull the troops out immediately. But who reports those polls? The corporate mainstream dishwater spine media that’s who. They’re just parroting the lies of the flying-monkey right! You want the truth you got to go online. I get my news from this awesome site: They did – actually I think it’s just one guy – but he asked a bunch of people who comment on his blog what they thought about Iraq and two thirds of them – I mean like six, seven people said, and I quote, “War sucks man.” And ten percent of them were like “Saddam Hussein” for president man!

So here’s the deal on Iraq OK, and I know this is true cause this friend of mine is like really psychic and she interpreted the sweat stains that the bottoms of my feet left on my Birkenstock sandals.

OK, so Halliburton is gonna pump all the oil out of Iraq’s and then sell it to Grover Norquist and the Committee for a New American Century and they’re gonna spray it over everybody in all blue states so they’ll all look black and the people in the NASCAR states will be even more afraid of them. Then all the black people, who will be like half the country will be locked up in the Bush global prison system built by the Bechtel Corporation and we’ll all be tortured high-voltage cattle prods from General Electric

So yeah you think I’m some kind of a kook, right? You’re like “Bush is not some super villain Nazi criminal hooked up with Doctor Doom to in a plot to use Hurricanes to take Iraq’s oil and control the world. All I say to that is …. Yeah whatever!

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